Urban Water Management Plan

The Urban Water Management Planning Act, passed by the California legislation in 1983, requires urban water suppliers to develop Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP) to address changing conditions related to water sources, water availability, water demands, and water reliability for the next 20 years. In 1991, the State added the requirement to include a Water Shortage Contingency Plan to outline the water supplier’s response and plan for changes or shortages in water supplies. Water suppliers are required to update and submit their Plan to the Department of Water Resources every five years. Compliance with the Act is necessary to be eligible for State grants, loans, and drought assistance.
An approved UWMP may be used as a source of information for water supply assessments, and written verifications of water supply. In addition, an UWMP may serve as a long range planning document for water supply, a source of data for development of a regional water plan and a source document for cities and counties as they prepare their General Plans.
Please check our Water Conservation page for more information.