Bids Overview

The City of Lathrop requests bids, proposals and quotes for an assortment of projects, equipment and services. Requests of bids, proposals and quotes are conducted in accordance with the Lathrop Municipal Code and State Law. Formal requests for bids, proposals and quotes are available here.
The City of Lathrop also uses an informal bidding process for public works projects under $200,000 per the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.
Informal Bids
Informal Bidding Procedures, as described in the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (Section 22000 of the Public Contract Code), were adopted by the City of Lathrop on December 5, 2006, and modified on August 12, 2019. The modification to the Lathrop Municipal Code, Chapter 3.30 Informal Bidding Procedures, allows city employees to perform public project work under $60,000 without a formal bidding process and allows for informal bidding procedures for public project work between $60,000 and $200,000.
Projects estimated at less than $200,000 may lead to informal bidding procedures and in accordance with the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act. When a project is to be awarded through informal bidding, contractors that have registered on the city's Qualified Contractors List will be notified with a general project description, location of where to obtain more detailed information and the time and place of bid submission at least ten (10) days in advance of the submission deadline and bid opening.
Procedures for the Establishing and Maintaining the Informal Bidder's List
The City of Lathrop invites licensed contractors to register for the city's Qualified Contractors List to receive Notice of Informal Bids for Public Works Projects. Every November the city will provide written notice to all construction trade journals designated for the city under Public Contracting Code Section 22036, inviting all licensed contractors to register for the following calendar year. The city will create a new contractor's bidders list starting January 1st of each year.
Names will be added to the city's Qualified Contractors List as they are received. To register, please fill out the city's application for the Qualified Contractors List. Please email the completed PDF to It is important to ensure that all information is correct and accurate. Contractors that do not have accurate contact information or that fail to specify the type of licensed work they perform will not be notified when a project goes through the informal bidding process.