Encroachment Permits
The City of Lathrop provides the Lathrop Civic Access Portal (LCAP), a permitting and licensing software platform now available to Encroachment Permit applicants. Through the LCAP system, applicants can accomplish all steps necessary to obtain an Encroachment Permit for various activities.
To obtain an Encroachment Permit, the City of Lathrop requires the submittal of a completed application (Click here) for any individual or group planning to hold an event or perform any work within the City's right-of-way, public property, City or public utility easement, or public storm drain area. Only City approved work is permitted under the issued encroachment permit with all required signatures.
Additional Items
The following items should be included in addition to the permit application form:
- Certificate of Insurance, naming the City of Lathrop, its officers, City Council, boards and commissions and members thereof, its employees and agents” as Additional Insured
- Improvement plan (when required)
- Traffic control plan
All submittals must be processed through the Public Works Department via the LCAP. Plans should not be sent directly to an individual in the department for review. For fees associated with the Encroachment Permit, please see the Master Fee Schedule.
Additional Forms: