Storm Water Management

Multi-Agency Post-construction Standards (LID)
The City of Lathrop, in collaboration with San Joaquin County, Tracy, Lodi, Manteca, and Patterson prepared a Multi-Agency Post-construction Stormwater Standards Manual to provide consistent guidance for municipal workers, developers and builders in implementing the requirements under the Statewide Small MS4 NPDES permit (2013-0001-DWQ).
The Multi-Agency Post Construction Stormwater Standards Manual can be found at the link below:
Storm Water Program | City of Lathrop CA

Please report immediately if you observe any of the following…
- Over Watering
- Oil
- Hazardous Waste
- Littering / Dumping
- Pet Waste
- Soap/Detergents
- Unidentified substances in runoff (e.g. brightly colored runoff)
- Sewage
Remember, only rain down the drain!