Senior Advisory Commission

The Senior Advisory Commission meets the second Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Meetings take place in the Lathrop City Hall Council Chamber.
The Senior Advisory Commission have the following responsibilities pursuant to Section 2.24.050 of the Lathrop Municipal Code:
- To coordinate recreational, education, and social service opportunities for those ages fifty (50) and above;
- To work with staff to develop new recreation programs, activities and special events for those ages fifty (50) and above, provided they can be accommodated within the Senior Center’s approved budget;
- To direct parks and recreation staff in making plans for and conducting activities for seniors;
- To provide to city council, recommendations on the acquisition, development, beautification and maintenance of new park facilities needed by seniors to implement programs and activities endorsed by the commission;
- To approve the disbursement and/or expenditure of funds identified as commission funds in the Senior Center budget provided that these expenditures shall in all instances follow the city’s purchasing system as defined in LMC Section 2.36.050(A) and (B) for purchases up to four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars ($4,999.00) requiring the signature of the appropriate department head; and expenditures above five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) requiring the approval and signature of the city manager; and further, provided, that such expenditures shall also be to carry on programs for those ages fifty (50) and above, while allowing the commission to make non-senior programming-related financial discretionary expenditures of up to three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) annually, provided they can be accommodated within the Senior Center’s approved budget, and not to make physical changes to any city property. Any expenditure that does not meet these criteria must be approved by city council prior to expenditure;
- To perform such other duties as may be requested from time to time by the city council.
Current Roster:
Commission Members |
Term Expires |
Larry Belfield - Chair |
6/30/25 |
Nadine White– Vice Chair |
6/30/25 |
Lea White |
6/30/27 |
Teresa Provencio |
6/30/25 |
Donna Davis |
6/30/27 |
Commission Secretary
Melissa Stathakopoulos, Recreation Manager