Planning Commission

Meeting Information:
The Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings take place in the Lathrop City Hall Council Chamber. Agendas are available on Friday before each meeting. The official agenda is posted outside of City Hall, Lathrop Generations Center, Community Center and Senior Center, and the Somerston Fire Station. The Planning Commission Agenda may be accessed by computer or any smart device at the following Worldwide Web Address: Special meetings and Study Sessions are scheduled and posted as needed.
The Planning Commission meetings are broadcast live on Comcast cable channel 97. LIVE STREAMING AND CLOSED CAPTIONING are also available, please visit the City Council Webpage or use the following URL Live Council Meetings Stream
During broadcasting please report any technical issue by calling (209) 941-7342.
The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the adoption, amendment, extension, addition to, and maintenance of the General Plan for the physical development of the City, as mandated by State law. The Planning Commission provides discretionary review and approval, as provided by the Lathrop Municipal Code, over the subdivision of land, zoning and land use. Planning Commissioners receive a $40 stipend per meeting. Planning Commissioners are required by State law to file an annual Statement of Economic Interests with the State Fair Political Practices Commission.
The Planning Commission has following responsibilities pursuant to Section 2.12.070 of the Lathrop Municipal Code:
- Prepare, review and recommend to the city council the adoption, amendment or repeal of a long-range general plan for the physical development of the city and any land outside its boundaries which, in the judgment of the commission or council, bears relation to the planning thereof;
- Review of the capital improvement program to determine if it is in compliance with the general plan of the city;
- Review all applications as required by the zoning and subdivision codes, including, but not limited to, zone changes, use permits and variances to determine if such requests are consistent with the general plan of the city and in compliance with all local codes and ordinances;
- Prepare, review and recommend to the city council the adoption, amendment or repeal of specific plans consistent with the adopted general plan;
- Such other functions as the city council may, from time to time, direct or provide by ordinance of the city.
- In addition to the matters herein specifically referred to, the commission shall have all those powers, duties and rights provided for now or in the future by lawful legislative enactments of the state.
Current Roster
Commission Members |
Term Expires |
Ash Ralmilay - Chair |
6/30/27 |
George Jackson – Vice Chair |
6/30/26 |
Paul Camarena |
6/30/27 |
Tosh Ishihara |
6/30/28 |
Gloryanna Rhodes |
6/30/26 |
Commission Secretary
Rick Caguiat, Community Development Director
(209) 941-7260