Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings take place in the Lathrop City Hall Council Chamber.
The Parks and Recreation Commission have the following responsibilities pursuant to Section 2.16.090 of the Lathrop Municipal Code:
- To act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to recreation and parks;
- Assist in the development of park amenity and field maintenance standards;
- Be an advocate for recreational space to meet the current and future needs of the community;
- Review of plans for proposed park and recreation facilities to ensure they meet the defined standard;
- Foster a culture of community partnership with businesses and local organizations;
- Participate in a general overview and evaluation of recreation programming to assist with community needs assessment;
- Participate in an annual park and recreation facility tour to assist in identifying areas for improvement;
- Annual overview and evaluation of parks and recreation policies, budget, and proposed fees;
- Be an active participant and supporter of community special events;
- Provide additional assistance to the director of the parks and recreation department as needed.
Parks and Recreation Commissioners are required by State law to file an annual Statement of Economic Interests with the Lathrop City Clerk.
Current Roster:
Commission Members |
Term Expires |
Jennifer Hopping - Chair |
6/30/27 |
Marianne Hope G. Datoc - Vice Chair |
6/30/26 |
Ajit Singh Sandhu |
6/30/25 |
Michael Wells |
6/30/27 |
Jimmy Zien |
6/30/25 |
Commission Secretary
Todd Sebastian, Parks and Recreation Director
(209) 941-7360