Youth Advisory Commission

Lathrop Generation Center on Golden Valley Parkway & Spartan Way


The Youth Advisory Commission meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings take place at Lathrop City Hall - Council Chamber, located at 390 Towne Centre Drive, Lathrop, CA.


The Youth Advisory Commission have the following responsibilities pursuant to Section 2.20.060 of the Lathrop Municipal Code:

  • To develop recreational, educational, and social service opportunities for those teens no less than thirteen (13) and no more than eighteen (18) years of age;
  • To act in an advisory capacity to the city council in all matters pertaining to the youth and teen population;
  • To encourage a sound program to expand youth facilities including development and maintenance;
  • To foster close coordination of services between agencies in the county of San Joaquin providing services to youth and teens and the city to avoid duplication of services;
  • To interpret youth programs to public officials and the general citizenry in order to promote understanding and financial support from public and private sources;
  • To act in an advisory capacity to the city council in making plans for and conducting activities for youth;
  • To recommend to the city council the establishment of general policies, rules and regulations, and rates or fees to be charged with respect to the operation of a Lathrop teen program and its services as defined by the annual budget;
  • To consider recommendations and requests originating from any source;
  • To make periodic inspections of the youth facilities;
  • To advise the city council in the acquisition, development, beautification and maintenance of additional facilities for use by youth;
  • To advise the city council in coordinating the youth services with the programs of other organizations and government agencies;
  • To advise in the preparation of the annual teen budget and long-range capital improvement programs for youth and teen amenities for submission to the city council;
  • To advise the city council on the problems of the development of facilities, programs and improved services for youth;
  • To formulate policies on youth services for approval by the city council, including, to the extent possible, agreements with other governing bodies for the best possible joint use of youth and other facilities;
  • To consider and make recommendations to the city council on all requests for permanent facilities to be erected in conjunction with senior activities;
  • To recommend to the city council policies, rules and regulations relating to the conduct of youth facilities and activities and rates or fees to be charged for the use of youth facilities or programs;
  • To perform such other duties as may be requested from time to time by the city council;
  • The city council shall not receive recommendations from the commission on the same subject matter within a six-month period without significant additional information and/or without a majority vote of the commission;
  • To annually hold a joint meeting with the parks and recreation commission to discuss goals for the coming year.


Current Roster

Commission Members

Term Expires 

Manpreet Kaur Bains - Chair


Harnoor Brar - Vice Chair


Riya Chand


Christopher Cadiente


Myli Bella Charlie Babagay


Prabhnoor Kaur


Gurjot Singh


Shubneet Kaur


Tanya Singh


Osen Ugbiyobo


Shreya Nand


Faren Ahmadi


Erin Joy Payopay


Commission Secretary

Melissa Stathakopoulos, Recreation Manager


Youth Advisory Commission | APPLY TODAY

Youth Advisory Commission | APPLY TODAY

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