Measure C Oversight Committee

The Measure C Oversight Committee meets on an as needed basis. Meetings take place in the Lathrop City Hall Council Chamber.
The Measure C Oversight Committee reviews expenditures of revenue collected pursuant to Section 3.13.180 of the Lathrop Municipal Code only to determine whether such funds are expended for the purposes specified in Chapter 3.13 Lathrop Public Safety and essential City Services Transaction and Use Tax, and issue reports on their findings to the City Council and public at least annually.
In order to preserve the integrity and independence of the oversight process, Committee members will not play a formal role in contracting, project management, or any other aspect of Measure C funding.
The Committee is not charged with decision-making on spending priorities, schedules, project details, funding source decisions, financing plans, or tax rate assumptions. The committee shall serve in an advisory-only role to the City Council.
Current Roster:
Committee Member | Term Expires |
Jim Hilson - Chair | 6/30/25 |
Mansoor Fazel - Vice Chair | 6/30/27 |
Gurpiar Sidhu | 6/30/27 |
Cesareo Albano | 6/30/27 |
Michele Anderson | 6/30/25 |
Committee Secretary
Cari James, Finance Director
(209) 941-7327