City of Lathrop Title 17: Zoning

Lathrop Municipal Code Title 17: Zoning is adopted to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience, prosperity and general welfare. More specifically, the code is adopted to achieve the following objectives:
A. To provide a zone plan to guide the physical development of the city in such a manner as to achieve progressively the general arrangement of land uses described and depicted in the general plan;
B. To foster wholesome, serviceable and attractive living environment, the beneficial development of areas which exhibit conflicting patterns of use, and the stability of existing land uses which conform with objectives, policies, principles and standards of the general plan;
C. To prevent excessive population densities and overcrowding of land with structures;
D. To promote a safe, effective circulation system, the provision of adequate off-street parking and truck loading facilities, and the appropriate location of community facilities.
E. To protect and promote appropriately located commercial and industrial activities in order to preserve and strengthen the city's economic base;
F. To protect and enhance real property values and city's natural assets;
G. To ensure unimpeded development of such new urban expansion that is logical, desirable and in conformance with objectives and policies of the general plan;
H. To provide and protect open space in accordance with policies of the resources management element of the general plan, including avoiding the premature development of prime agricultural lands.
Click this link to view the Lathrop Municipal Code.