Planning Division

The Planning Division is responsible for various tasks including:

  1. Administering long-range planning projects such as the General Plan and Specific Plans;
  2. Managing the process of land development applications in conformance with the City’s long-range planning goals;
  3. Recommending and implementing policies of the City Council;
  4. Reviewing applications for various development permits which require approval by the Planning staff, Planning Commission or City Council;
  5. Implementing the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance including proposed amendments.

Project Pipeline Reports:

Lathrop Civic Access Portal (LCAP)

The Lathrop Civic Access Portal (LCAP) is now available for online payments and Home Occupation Permit application submission.   Please visit the LCAP Page to learn more.  

Please navigate to the Portal by clicking the photo below:

The Portal Guide and Step-By-Step Video Tutorial can help you through the process!   Please contact the Planning Department by phone at (209)941-7260 or by email at for any questions or issues using CSS Portal.

Property Owner & Agent Authorization Form