Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2

The Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2 Amendment (“CLSP-2 Amendment”) includes updates and modifications only for the Phase 2 Plan Area portion of the Central Lathrop Specific Plan comprising the 724-acre area north of Dos Reis Road. The CLSP-2 Amendment does not, in any way, alter, amend, or otherwise change the vested entitlements for the CLSP Phase 1 area, which is the 797-acre area south of Dos Reis Road. The original 2004 CLSP and the associated entitlements continue to govern the residential mixed use development in the CLSP Phase 1 Plan Area.
The CLSP-2 Amendment revises all policies, regulations, land use concepts, and development standards with respect to Phase 2 and supersedes the 2004 CLSP for the area north of Dos Reis Road.
The following documents are available in PDF format by clicking on the titles below.
- Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2 Vicinity Map
- Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2 Land Use Map
- Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2 Amendment
- City Council Resolution 23-5420 CEQA Finding of Exemption for CLSP Phase 2 Amendment Project
- City Council Ordinance 23-452 Approving CLSP Phase 2 Amendment & TA-23-104