CIP PS 17-09 - Request for Proposals (RFP) - State Route - 120 and Yosemite Avenue Interchange Project
The City of Lathrop’s Public Works Department is requesting proposals from qualified engineering consultants to provide professional services for the completion of a Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) for the State Route 120 and Yosemite Avenue Interchange Project (PS 17-09). With the option to extend the contract into Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) once PA&ED is completed, this Request for Proposal (RFP) defines the scope of services and outlines the requirements that must be met by Consultants interested in providing such services.
The Yosemite Avenue and Guthmiller Road corridor is a local roadway connecting the cities of Lathrop and Manteca. This arterial extends from the South Lathrop Specific Plan (SLSP) area north to State Route 120 then east to State Route 99. The SR-120 and Yosemite Ave interchange is a major entry to, and exit from, the southern portion of Lathrop. Traffic is anticipated to exceed the existing operational capacity of the interchange. Thus, the project will improve the existing SR-120 and Yosemite Ave interchange to accommodate additional traffic and provide facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists.