Parks and Recreation

Subject Mailing List: 

Ticket Comment

Requestor has been emailed with the skate park hours as stated in LMC 12.20.010 Section Q.

Generation center

Can you guys turn the lights on at the generation skatepark at 6:30pm for daylight savings -Thank you

Generation center

Can you guys turn the lights on at the generation skatepark at 6:30pm for daylight savings -Thank you

Generation center

Can you guys turn the lights on at the generation skatepark at 6:30pm for daylight savings -Thank you

Generation center

Can you turn on the lights at the skatepark at 6:30 because of daylight savings?

Generarions park

turn the skatepark lights on at 6:30 please and thank you!

Ticket Comment

Thank you for entering a website ticket. I have submitted your request in the Lathrop Cares App. You should receive an email update when the request has been completed.

Light Replacement

We have 4 lights out in community center foyer/lobby.  Requesting replacement since it is getting dark earlier.  Please and thank you!
