Parks and Recreation

Subject Mailing List: 

Ticket Comment

Good morning Patrick,

Thank you for your inquiry. The City of Lathrop does have an exclusive hauler franchise agreement in place with Republic Services. You will have to reach out to them directly for pricing information. To contact Republic Services, please call (209) 466-5192. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or if I may be of further service.

Melissa Stathakopoulos - Parks & Recreation Manager | Solid Waste & Recycling

Ticket Comment

Hi Zan,

Welcome to the City of Lathrop. I am sorry for the unfortunate circumstances that brought you here, but we are glad to have you as a member of our community. 

Currently the Parks and Recreation Department operates a single, non-regulation size gymnasium for all our programming, including a large youth basketball program and leisure classes. Our overflow programs utilize the Senior Center after hours. 

The good news is that we are currently in the early conceptional design phase for a new community center that will have multiple courts.

Request for Open Gym Hours at the Community Recreation Center

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request the incorporation of open gym hours at the basketball gym located in the Lathrop Community Center during weekday hours.

Exclusive Hauler for Trash


I work for The New Home Company and we are starting a new project in River Island.  We finished a project there last August 2024.  Since then, our bidders for rough cleaning are telling us that there is an exclusive hauler franchise agreement in place.  We have heard that Republic Services is the exclusive hauler but were usure if there were others that are licensed as exclusive haulers for residential home building trash.  Also, if someone can provide information about costs, that would be appreciated.


Thank you

Ticket Comment

Good morning,

Thank you for reaching out to the City of Lathrop. For any inquiries regarding employment with the City of Lathrop, please use the following Human Resources link. Job Opportunities | Sorted by Job Title ascending | City of Lathrop Job Opportunities

Thank you for your interest and have a great rest of your day.

Part time opportunities

Hello my name is Angel Sulvaran. I’m 19-year-old and a second year criminal justice major at CSU Sacramento, living in Stockton. I’m seeking part-time opportunities to gain experience and grow professionally. If this is not the correct email to ask for this it would be greatly appreciated if you could direct me with whom I could speak. Thank you for your time. 

Ticket Comment

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to submit a ticket to notify us about the metal beam at the park. The parks in River Islands are not actually maintained by the City, but by River Islands Development.

 I went ahead and sent them an email with your message and your contact information, so someone should be following up with you from the Welcome Center. If no one reaches back out to you from River Islands, please reach out to Public Works at 209-941-7430 and we will attempt to get in touch with them again.

For now i will go ahead and close out the ticket.
