Hello and thank you for your inquiry about baseball field rental by using the Lathrop Cares APP! We appreciate you taking the time to make this request. You can view a lathrop field rental rates document at the City of Lathrop Parks and Recreation website https://www.ci.lathrop.ca.us/parksrec/page/park-shelter-filed-reservations. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Should you have additional baseball field questions, please call the City of Lathrop Community Center at (209) 941-7370. Thank you.
Hello and thank you for your inquiry about baseball field rental by using the Lathrop Cares APP! We appreciate you taking the time to make this request. You can view a lathrop field rental rates document at the City of Lathrop Parks and Recreation website https://www.ci.lathrop.ca.us/parksrec/page/park-shelter-filed-reservations. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Should you have additional baseball field questions, please call the City of Lathrop Community Center at (209) 941-7370. Thank you.
Sydney Foster
(209) 941-7389
Management Analyst
Parks, Recreation, and Fleet Services