Public Works

Subject Mailing List: 

Street light out

There is a street light out at the dead end of Gaar Court, the furthest one in the court. 

Ticket Comment

Reached out to resident to let him know that this will be repaired. Also reported to Bear, case number and work order created.

Ticket Comment

Reported lights on Bear Portal, and created work orders.

Reached out to resident and let them know that these have been reported and will be repaired. Also to let me know if they have any questions.

Street light

To whom it may concern,

I don't really know where to report stuff like this but if your department is not responsible for replacing burned out street light bulbs please forward to appropriate department.

Street light # 7035 goes On and Off throughout the night. This light is located on Pecan Hollow Way , cross street Finchwood Dr.

best regards,


Speed Bumps

Per Lyons Neighborhood Watch are requesting speed bumps at Akrose and Gaar Ct. . Currently in place on the opposite side of the 71 home cul-de-sac. Over 30 Students use this area daily to Joseph Widmer School. Observe many cars speeding each morning to drop off kids. Also cars are doing "Donut" Spins at intersection of Gaar and Akrose.
