
Subject Mailing List: 

Aggresive Neighbor

We have a neighbor at 17373 Stone Cellar Way in Lathrop who on Thanksgiving knocked (aggressively) at some of our doors asking if we parked in front of his house. This is not the first time this happens. This neighbor is very aggressive to a lot of neighbors and we are all afraid to report him. No one truly does anything to aggravate him on purpose. We all pay for our homes here and if there isn't parking directly in front of our house we should be able to park anywhere on the street that is not private property.

Vehicles parked unusable on street


There are some vehicles parked on Americana and Pecan Hollow Way that are not functioning and being used to park on the street. Not sure if this is legal especially with tags that are expired. Also seen residents changing oil on the streets. Caused oil leak streaks on the streets. 

Loud music

The construction workers on Goodland Ct. are blasting music that I can clearly hear through my closed windows. 

Not stopping at stop signs at all

I am requesting for the police to watch the neighborhood of Stonebridge and the surrounding areas for speeding and not stopping at all at the stop signs . The loop on long barn and also Pinecrest area are really bad. The cars do not even attempt to stop and they are going fast. This morning an adult and their child were hit by a car in this area on their way to school. Please patrol the area more frequently, we have lots of children and animals that live in this area . 

Thank you 

Stephanie Murphy

Ticket Comment



Thank you for bringing this to the City's attention. Your request has been sent to the Police Watch commander.

Thank you,


Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN

Ticket Comment



Thank you for bringing this to the city's attention. Your request has been forwarded to the Police watch commander. 


Thank you,

Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN

Ticket Comment


Thank you for bringing this to the City's attention. A CSO will go out and inspect the issue. In the future, please call the Non-Emergency Line for faster response times. 

Non-Emeregency (209)249-1800

Thank you,

Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN

Ticket Comment


If you are trying to file a harassment report please call the Non-Emergency Line at 209-249-1800 or come to the Police main lobby during Monday-Friday between 8:30am-5:30pm.


Thank you,

Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN

Ticket Comment


For faster response in the future you can call the Non-Emergency Line at 209-249-1800. 

Thank you,

Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN
