14224 S Harlan Rd, Lathrop, CA 95330 there's this one guys that keeps going in and out of this abandoned house looks like drug traffic among other things once in a while I hear a female yelling stop don't quit hitting me as well .If this can be tooking care of for I walk my dog past and don't feel safe by there. I already had an incident with a Mexican American man that made a pose as if he had a weapon but couldn't tell.If this can be keep anonymous and looks into.
Ticket Comment
Good morning Henry
Thank you for bringing this to the city's attention. Your request will be forwarded to the traffic division for further enforcement. The Traffic Sergeant will reach out to you directly if he has any questions. For any other questions or concerns, please call directly at (209)249-1800. Thank you.
Ranjit Dosanjh
Community Services Supervisor