Parks and Recreation

Subject Mailing List: 

Ticket Comment

I emailed the resident asking them to provide the address of where the Christmas tree is.

Obstruction of public parking

There is a Christmas tree that has not been disposed of and is blocking along the sidewalk, in front of the house. The public does not have parking access. 

Tree pruning

I live at 16710 Victorian trail. The city tree needs pruning. It formulates sap that ruins vehicles 



How do I compost kitchen scraps according to new state requirements? Will you be issuing kitchen bins? Can I mix it with garden compost?

Thank you



954 River Bend drive

Lathrop CA 95330

Noon years luncheon

I'd like to pre-register to attend the Seniors Noon Years Luncheon
We are two seniors
Adolfo and Zoyla Moreno

Skatepark lights

Ok I understand that the light schedule is being worked out but last night there was about 25 people roaming the park in the dark most of them were kids. I know its the weekend but some of these kids get out of school at 4 and come enjoy the park. Dusk is at 5 very dangerous to not have the lights on i have a two year old and we spend our days at the park just because the time changed doesn't mean people do kids could be seriously injured or worse. A light schedule from 5 to 9 would be reasonable give these folks a schedule please would be greatly appreciated 
