Parks and Recreation

Subject Mailing List: 

Ticket Comment

I left a voicemail and sent an email instructing the resident to call Republic Services at (209) 466-3604 to request a green bin.


Overgrown trees

Hello, I am writing in hopes to receive some help with overgrown trees at my residences. I am a resident at Levee Lane and along the side our house is Lathrop Road, near the levee. Some trees along the sidewalk on Lathrop Road have now grown immensely in size and would like to request the tree be removed completely or at least the branches trimmed. I've noticed city workers come by every so often to do work on the greenery so I was wondering if they could trim that down for us as well.

Request for Garbage Bin-Green

Good Day!

My name is Calixto Trillanes. We just moved in last April 2022 at 1720 Solano Court, Lathrop, CA 95330, with account number 01257-005.

We would like to request a Green Garbage Bin. We only have the yellow and the black since we moved in. We are trying our luck if it is appropriate to request this item through this platform. If it is not within your services, could you help us how to acquire this item?


Yard maintenance

The top of street Gemini Ct has lot of weeds in leevy area. It was decently maintained but it has lot of weeds now.  Please take care and it is looking very ugly.

Street sweeping

Can we please have a sweeper come through port Washington street. It hasn't been swept since the build. Thanks
