
Yoga teacher posing in Valverde Park.

Share Your Talents with the Community

The City of Lathrop Parks and Recreation Department is always looking to Create Active Recreation Experiences. The City of Lathrop works hard to promote lifelong learning through our contracted classes. We offer an array of classes for youth, teens, and adults. Classes include art, culinary, dance, education, fitness, golf, martial arts, music, science, and more!

Submit a Program Proposal

If you are interested in teaching a class, please complete a Program Proposal. Class proposals can be submitted via email to bnuss@ci.lathrop.ca.us.

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please call (209)941-7372.

If a class is already being taught and the instructor is in good standing, additional proposals will be kept on file for review in the event of vacancy.


If approved, the following information is required to contract with our department:

  • Activity Guide Information Sheet
  • LiveScan Fingerprinting & Subcontractor Form for any employees
  • Business License
  • IRA Form W9
  • Hold Harmless Agreement
  • Liability Insurance 

Copy of your Certificate of Liability Insurance with the following details:

  • Additionally Insured: City of Lathrop, 390 Towne Centre Dr., Lathrop, CA 95330
    • General Aggregate Limit: $2,000,000/Policy (twice the required occurrence limit)
    • Occurrence Limit = $1,000,000
    • Workers’ Compensation Insurance for all employees, unless staff are considered contract employees or the contractor is the only instructor.
  • Insurance Endorsement: Additional Insured Status (Must be on Additional Insured Endorsement Page): The City of Lathrop its elected officials and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, agents and Reclamation District 2062 are named as additional insured.
  • Primary Coverage: This insurance shall apply as primary insurance as respects any Person, Organization, Partnership or Joint Venture named above, and any other insurance available to such Person, Organization, Partnership or Joint Venture shall be excess and not contributory with the insurance afforded by the policy.  

Once you have submitted the required documents, we will send you a Contract along with a Scope of Services. Our contracts are based on a Fiscal Year, July 1st- June 30th and our percentage splits are 70/30.





Yoga in the Park | Valverde Park 15557 5th Street | Class located at Amphitheatre | Mondays | 1:00PM| $50

Yoga in the Park ***NEW DAY & TIME***

This peaceful practice encourages reflective, meditative, awareness, and to explore postures with your breath.

Click here for more info!

Youth Tennis Tournament Training | 5 week session $140 | Sangalang Park 13470 Slate Street | Saturdays


Elevate your tennis game! 

Click here for more info!

Adult Cardio Tennis | Saturdays | Sangalang Park 13470 Slate Street | 12pm - 1pm | $120 per 5 Week Session


Saturdays, All Levels Welcome! 

Click here for more info!

Adult Beginner Tennis Classes | Saturdays 11AM | Sangalang Park 13470 Slate Street | $100 5 sessions


Saturdays @ 11AM | Sangalang Park 

Click here for more info! 


***NEW CLASS***| Fitness in the Park | Wed & Fri | Valverde Park 15557 Fifth Street | 6:00AM - 7:00AM | Register TODAY on-line


Improve fitness, coordination, strength and posture with an experienced trainer in a outdoor setting!

Click here for more info!


BollyX with Summy | Thursdays @ Senior Center 15707 5th Street | 7:00PM - 7:45PM | Cardio Class| Pre-Register On-Line


Fitness program that combines dynamic choreography and intensive workouts!

Click here for more info!

Footwork & Grace | Saturdays | Community Center 15557 5th Street | 10AM - 10:45AM | $60 per session

 ***NEW CLASS*** Footwork & Grace

Learn the history of classical Kuchipudi dance along with basic steps.

Click here for more info!

Zumba (M,W,F) Boxercise (T &TH) | located @ 15557 Fifth Street Community Center |Fitness


Register for BOTH Zumba and Boxercise for a discount.

Click here for more info!

Dog Obedience | 5 week sessions or 1 day workshops | located at 2 centers in town please see flyer for more info

Dog Obedience Classes

Classes taught by Bone-A-Fide Dog Training

Click here for more info!

Vega's Gymnastics Beginner & Intermediate | Mon or Wed | located at Senior Center 15707 Fifth Street | $110 per month

Vega's Gymnastics

Beginner & Intermediate

Click here for more info!


Youth Karate Classes | Tues & Thurs | located at 15557 Fifth Street | $90 per month

Youth Karate

Character development and discipline are emphasized in a safe and fun environment!

Click here for more info!

Youth Tennis Classes March |Wed, Fri and Sundays | Park West 16130 Sheltered Cove Circle

Youth Tennis Classes March

 Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays 

Click here for more info!

Skateboarding Class | Tuesdays | March 2025 | Skate Park 450 Spartan Way | 4PM - 5:30PM | $75

Skateboarding Class

Learn the basics and fundamentals of skateboarding!

Click here for more info!