Parks and Recreation

Subject Mailing List: 

Ticket Comment

Scheduled a public meeting with the development team and forwarded the following email:

Good afternoon,

I would like to thank you for submitting your inquiry regarding Community Park sites within the River Islands development.  I have reached out to the River Islands Development Team and have scheduled an informational River Islands park site presentation for Tuesday, June 15th at 6:00 pm at the River Islands Welcome Center at 1401 River Islands Parkway, Lathrop CA 95330. 


Ticket Comment

Scheduled a public meeting with the development team and forwarded the following email:

Good afternoon,

I would like to thank you for submitting your inquiry regarding Community Park sites within the River Islands development.  I have reached out to the River Islands Development Team and have scheduled an informational River Islands park site presentation for Tuesday, June 15th at 6:00 pm at the River Islands Welcome Center at 1401 River Islands Parkway, Lathrop CA 95330. 


Ticket Comment

Scheduled public meeting with development team and sent the following email:

Good afternoon,


I would like to thank you for submitting your inquiry regarding Community Park sites within the River Islands development.  I have reached out to the River Islands Development Team and have scheduled an informational River Islands park site presentation for Tuesday, June 15th at 6:00 pm at the River Islands Welcome Center at 1401 River Islands Parkway, Lathrop CA 95330. 

Ticket Comment

Ms. Martinez left a message on Monday, May 31st at 11:00 pm that the park had not been cleaned.  I went to the personally went to the park today to walk the location.  The restroom including the floor, sink, toilet and urinal had all been cleaned.  All the trash cans had been emptied and parks, both small and large, seemed to be free of any additional dog waste.  

The turf is scheduled to be mowed tomorrow morning (Wednesday - confirmed with landscape company) and the park is in good shape.  

Ticket Comment

On Friday, May 28th I had Park Staff visit the Dog Park to investigate, and clean the restroom and walk the small dog park to pick up any dog waste left at the park.

Mowing of this location is set on Wednesday Mornings I contacted the landscape maintenance team and mowing had been completed on Wednesday and is scheduled for Wednesday, June 2 as well.  


I called Ms. Martinez and left a message that I would send staff out to the park.


Park Maintenance Lathrop Dog Park

I received a call in response to my request for mowing, cleaning restroom and empty all trash cans.  All was to be completed Friday, 5/28/21.


1)  Mowing - incomplete  2)  cleaning restroom - urinal and floors incomplete  3) trash cans - doggy poop done, 

others -  incomplete

Lathrop Small Dog Park & Restroom

The schedule for maintaining the above park has not been completed for at least a month.  The restroom has been very dirty and now the toilet is clogged.  When you walk or sit in the park it is unpleasant.  Please help.


I know some dog owners are irresponsible, but when park maintenance is lax, even those of us who pick up after others are getting discouraged.


Thanks in advanve!!!
