Community Development

Subject Mailing List: 

Change Street Name

Hi Team,

I would like to request to change the street name in Lathrop (RI), can you please let me know how to proceed?

grants for water conserving yards

i was wondering if the city has any grants to help turn our yard into a water coserving design?

Block Party

Hi! Our neighborhood would like to host a block party on October 12. Do we need to fill out an application for street closure? If so, where can I find the application?

Rename road

Request to the old residents of Lathrop before and after it became a city to have a road on the west side of I-5 to be renamed in honor of my father who was instrumental in the farming industry and the early ways of community involvement with the likes of Joseph Widmer and Tokyo Joe Takahashi. That road is DOS REIS RD to be renamed JOE ROMO RD in honor of my father. Our house, built in late 1950's, still remains there.

Ticket Comment

Good morning Surinder,

This is in regards to your web inquiry about subsidy on putting artificial turf on lawns instead of natural grass.  We offer the following response:

Subsidy on artificial turf


I want to know if there is a subsidy on putting artificial turf on lawns instead of natural grass

Surinder Dhaliwal

623 Willow Bend

Lathrop 95330
