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Subsidy on artificial turf

Name: Surinder Dhaliwal
Phone Number: 2408898396
Status: Closed
Assigned To: mhermosilla (Community Development)
Ticket ID: 63713756


I want to know if there is a subsidy on putting artificial turf on lawns instead of natural grass

Surinder Dhaliwal

623 Willow Bend

Lathrop 95330

Ticket History

Updated By: mhermosilla
Assigned To: mhermosilla (Community Development)

Good morning Surinder,

This is in regards to your web inquiry about subsidy on putting artificial turf on lawns instead of natural grass.  We offer the following response:

The City of Lathrop currently offer assistance to residents by incentivizing the conversion of landscaping to water-wise drought tolerant gardens thru the Drought Tolerant Landscaping Grant Program. Please follow the link below to the new Drought Tolerant Landscaping Grant program webpage on the City of Lathrop website.  The link contain useful information on how to apply and the requirements for application in order to qualify for the grant.  Eligibility for the grant is based on household income limits, household/income matrix should be on the website as well.   You will find the Grant Application form on the webpage.  Please note that funding for the program is limited and is on a first-come, first served basis. 

Drought Tolerant Landscaping Grant Program:

Link to the application form:

Hope this helps.  BTW, if you prefer, please feel free to drop by City Hall for a hard-copy of the application form.   


Maria Hermosilla

City of Lathrop Planning Department

Direct Line:  (209)941-7278

Department Line:  (209)941-7260


Department email:


05/03/2024 - 9:12am
Updated By: mhermosilla
Assigned To: mhermosilla (Community Development)
05/01/2024 - 8:30am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

04/25/2024 - 9:00am


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