Drought Tolerant Landscaping Grant Program

The intent of the drought tolerant landscape grant is to provide assistance to residents by incentivizing the conversion of landscaping to water-wise drought tolerant gardens. Residents gain by creating attractive, low maintenance front yard landscaping that will thrive in California’s dry summer climate and during a drought. The program benefits will help residents by providing assistance to convert their landscaping to drought tolerant materials.
Participating residents must submit a complete application and provide a W-9. Applicants will not be required to pay any fees.
To qualify and receive a grant award through the Drought Tolerant Grant Program, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- The property must receive water utility service from the City of Lathrop and the applicant must have an active water account in good standing with the City.
- The design submitted will need to comply with Lathrop Municipal Code (LMC) Section: 17.92.020 (Community Development Department will confirm at time of application.) An encroachment permit may also be required by the Public Works Department for any work performed within the right-of-way.
- At time of application a site plan/ sketch drawing of your proposed project must accompany application, including measurements of area to be improved, along with an itemized plant list.
- All residents are eligible for $0.50 per square foot improved to drought tolerant landscaping; up to a max grant award of $500. Income qualified residents who meet eligibility requirements of household incomes less than or equal to 400% of the federal poverty level are eligible for an increased rebate of $1.00 per square foot improved; up to a max grant award of $1,000.
- Projects installed as part of new construction or new development are NOT eligible for the grant.
- The property owner must sign the application form for the drought tolerant landscaping project.
- In compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a completed Form W-9 is required.
- All projects must have a pre-inspection completed and receive post-inspection signoff prior to payment. Do not start the landscape project until after a pre-inspection site visit.
- The rebate check will be issued to the applicant unless prior written permission has been provided by the property owner.
- Work must take place within 90 days after application approval. If post-inspection or request for extension is not completed within 90 days, money allocated for the customer’s project will be redirected back into available funds and another grant award. Upon written request, one 30-day extension will be given, but, must be requested prior to expiration.
- This program would not be retroactive and would not apply to projects already underway or completed prior to application signoff.
Further guidelines include the applicant providing a list of plants that they will be using at time of design submittal. A list of drought tolerant plants can be obtained free of charge through the U.C. Davis, Arboretum All-Stars program. The Arboretum All-Stars program is a joint project of the U.C. Davis Arboretum and the California Center for Urban Horticulture (CCUH) in collaboration with other partners throughout the state. Together they are working to help home gardeners, make eco-friendly plant choices that will enhance the beauty and sustainability of their landscape. The list of drought tolerant plants on the Arboretum All-Stars list can be accessed via https://arboretum.ucdavis.edu/arboretum-all-stars. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this free resource when planning their design.