City of Lathrop Bicycle Master Plan
Click here to view the City of Lathrop Bicycle Master Plan
Both the State Legislature and the City of Lathrop recognize that in order to maintain a high quality of life, transportation alternatives to the automobile need to be provided. As a component of the City's overall transportation system, increased bicycle circulation promises to help relieve congestion, improve air quality, save money, and provide recreational opportunities. As a transportation mode, bicycling offers an efficient and cost effective method of transportation that is available to most residents regardless of age.
The purpose of the City of Lathrop's Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) is to: "improve and expand bicycling opportunities in Lathrop." The Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) provides goals, policies, and programs for the improvement of bicycling conditions within the community. It also provides direction for the development of new bikeways as future growth occurs in Lathrop's sphere of influence. The Plan outlines a comprehensive system of bikeways, that when fully improved and developed, will provide safe and convenient bicycle travel throughout the community.
Lathrop's Bicycle Transportation Plan provides a 20 year plan for bicycle improvements and development programs for bicycle facilities. Recommended intermediate bicycle improvements are identified and prioritized. The Plan coordinates local improvements with planned regional improvements as well as identifying potential funding sources.