Public Works

Subject Mailing List: 

Tree trimming

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right dept but, some of the city trees in front of our homes in Mossdale landing are in need of some trimming. We have some cars/trucks that are pretty tall and it's starting to impact the parking in from of our homes. When the wind picks up they move and could cause damages to the paint. I drove around the neighborhood and it seams to be several in dire need. Thank you for time and this website it's a awesome tool to not have to sit on the phone and wait for service. 

Tree trimming

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right dept but, some of the city trees in front of our homes in Mossdale landing are in need of some trimming. We have some cars/trucks that are pretty tall and it's starting to impact the parking in from of our homes. When the wind picks up they move and could cause damages to the paint. I drove around the neighborhood and it seams to be several in dire need. Thank you for time and this website it's a awesome tool to not have to sit on the phone and wait for service. 

Traffic Light

Light at Harlan Rd. and Lathrop Rd. not working correctly

Traffic Light

Light at Harlan Rd. and Lathrop Rd. not working correctly

Quality of slurry

Don't know if work is guaranteed l but they just scurried our street (Rose Arbor) in November and it's already got a crack all the way down the center and several crossing that crack. On addition to the cracks there are several tire marks / divets. It would be nice to have the service provider repair this. I doubt it's supposed to look like this after just 6 months. If so. We need to find another contractor or inspector.

Ticket Comment

Thank you for your inquiry! We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of the traffic light. The request has been resolved. If you don't believe that it is resolved please reach out to Public Works at 209-941-7430.

 I would like to invite you to download Lathrop Cares from your app store. The app is a quick and convenient way for you to report concerns and attach photos; the exact location will also be reported which will make it easier to locate the problem area.
You will also receive notifications any time there is a change or status update.

Ticket Comment

Thank you for your inquiry! We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of the traffic light. The request has been resolved. If you don't believe that it is resolved please reach out to Public Works at 209-941-7430.

 I would like to invite you to download Lathrop Cares from your app store. The app is a quick and convenient way for you to report concerns and attach photos; the exact location will also be reported which will make it easier to locate the problem area.
You will also receive notifications any time there is a change or status update.
