Thank you for reporting the streetlight. However the locations that you mentioned are on two different streets. Can you please reply back with the pole number? The pole number is located on the streetlight pole itself, facing the street.
Thank you for taking the time to report the streetlight. We have reached out to our electrical contractor and the light should be repaired within one week. I will reply back here with any updates as i am provided.
Thank you for taking the time to report the streetlight. We have reached out to our electrical contractor and the light should be repaired within one week. I will reply back here with any updates as i am provided.
Thank you for taking the time to report the streetlight. We have reached out to our electrical contractor and the light should be repaired within one week. I will reply back here with any updates as i am provided.
Thank you for taking the time to report the streetlight. We have reached out to our electrical contractor and the light should be repaired within one week. I will reply back here with any updates as i am provided.
Ticket Comment
Good morning,
Thank you for reporting the streetlight. However the locations that you mentioned are on two different streets. Can you please reply back with the pole number? The pole number is located on the streetlight pole itself, facing the street.
Thank you,
Maria Lamas, Public works Department