Economic Development

Subject Mailing List: 

Please take a look at my article idea for


If you give me the green light, I’d love to get started on writing a free piece of content for your website.

The content would be centered around convincing entrepreneurs to move to your city to start a new business.

Please reach out if you like this idea - I’m ready to get started on the writing portion today.

Thanks so much!

Ticket Comment

Response EM to on 10/5/2021. skb 

Good Morning Elizabeth:


Tesla new battery manufacturing MegaFactory

Extremely concerned for our communities health and safety regarding the new battery manufacturing MegaFactory being built close to our homes. How will this not be harmful to our health?

Ticket Comment

Email response sent to Elizabeth Bennett at on 6/7/2021

Homeless Prevention

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am requesting admittance to the Homekey Program. I need immediate housing, Covid-19 testing and vaccination.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Bennett

Ticket Comment

Responded thru email on 3/22/2021 (MH)

Market data for new home and lot inventory for Lathrop

Good day. I understand the Lathrop planning department is working on some data regarding new home permits and inventory in the city of Lathrop. When complete, would you please send me a copy? Thank you, Duke Leffler,
