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Currently, there is only one reservable gym within the City of Lathrop which is used for all City of Lathrop programming along with reservations. The gym is currently booked weekdays with programming including Jr. NBA. The rental time frame for weekends is for eight-hour intervals, fully dependent upon availability. If you would like to contact the City of Lathrop Parks and Recreation Department at (209) 941-7370, facility staff will be able to assist with finding future availability. Currently, the City of Lathrop is in the planning process of creating a new Community Center within the next few years that we are hopeful will be able to assist with all resident's needs in the future including additional gym space. 

The Parks and Recreation Department hosts a Adult Basketball League. The program offers two levels of 5 on 5 play and two divisions - Competitive  and Recreational. Each league will play a minimum of eight games.  The Winter League is already in session, but Spring League registration starts February 1, 2024. The season starts April 28th and runs through June 30th. 

Manteca Unified School District may rent out gym space. The website for inquiries is www.musd.civicpermits.com. Also, you may want to reach out to the River Islands Welcome Center at welcomecenter@riverislands.com or (209) 808-5168, as they will be able to provide information about a private gym located within the River Islands Development that may have rental capabilities. 

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