Thank you for your message in regards to the City of Lathrop programs. We do offer an Activity Assistance Fund that does provide funding to assistance but I would be interested in meeting to discussing the Visions in Education, Connecting Waters program. Please contact Todd Sebastian at 209-941-7385 or by email at
We do offer additional programs for our local Teens at the teen center at 450 Spartan Way. When we get together we can also discuss programming for youth ages 14 -18.
Ms. Martin,
Thank you for your message in regards to the City of Lathrop programs. We do offer an Activity Assistance Fund that does provide funding to assistance but I would be interested in meeting to discussing the Visions in Education, Connecting Waters program. Please contact Todd Sebastian at 209-941-7385 or by email at
We do offer additional programs for our local Teens at the teen center at 450 Spartan Way. When we get together we can also discuss programming for youth ages 14 -18.
Again thank you for your time and interest.
Zachary Jones