Dog License

LMC 6.12.180 License required—Fees.
A. Every person owning, possessing, keeping, harboring or having custody of any dog over four months old shall obtain a license for each dog and appropriate license fees shall be paid annually. Fees and charges shall be established from time to time by resolution of the council. Such license shall be obtained, and the fee therefor paid, on or before the first day of February in any year, or within thirty (30) days after the day upon which the dog is four months old, or within thirty (30) days after acquisition of the dog, or within thirty (30) days of moving into the city.
California State Law requires you to license your dog.
Health & Safety Code § 121690. Regulation and control of dogs; exemption from vaccination requirement; maintenance of pound and rabies control programs; vaccination clinics; issuance of license and duration; disclosure of information
In rabies areas, all of the following shall apply:
(a) Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of four months, shall no less than once every two years secure a license for the dog as provided by ordinance of the responsible city, city and county, or county. License fees shall be fixed by the responsible city, city and county, or county, at an amount not to exceed limitations otherwise prescribed by state law or city, city and county, or county charter.
Rabies Vaccination Requirements
The rabies vaccination is mandatory before the issuance of a new license. The license is only valid during the period that the rabies vaccination is effective.
Proof of Spay or Neuter Required
If your pet is spayed or neutered, submit a copy of the spay/neuter certificate from your veterinarian to receive reduced license fee.