Planning Commission Regular Meeting of February 19, 2025
Planning Commission Meetings are live-streamed on Comcast Cable Channel 97 and on the City’s website at
This meeting will be available for public participation by teleconference via ZoomGov at the following link:
During the meeting, those joining by ZoomGov, requesting to speak on an item will need to use the “raise the hand” feature. Please ensure your computer speaker and microphone are fully functional.
For audio / calling in only: +1 (669) 254 5252
To request to speak (same as the "raise hand" feature) press *9 / when the host calls your name, press *6 to unmute
Webinar ID: 160 635 8357/ Passcode: Lathrop
If you are not able to attend the meeting in person or virtually, public comment/questions will be accepted by email to Mark Meissner at or by calling (209) 941-7290
In order to allow the Planning Commission adequate time to review questions and comments, please submit written questions or comments by 3:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting.