Planning Commission Regular Meeting

Calendar Date:
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 6:00pm

Public Participation

Attendance to this meeting is allowed with the following guidelines. However, in accordance with Executive Order N-25-20, guidance from the California Department of Public Health on gatherings, and to protect our employees and the public, public participation is allowed in the following additional ways:

Attendance by video/teleconference is not mandatory, however, it is provided as an alternate participation method:

Event address: (copy and paste link on browser):

Please log in and register at the bottom of the page, at least thirty minutes (30 min.) prior to the meeting.

For audio only, call-in number: (408) 418-9388 Access code: 146 307 3610

No need to call-in if using WebEx audio on your computer. If using WebEx audio, please use headphones to avoid background noise interference.

Planning Commission Meetings are live-streamed on Comcast Cable Channel 97 and on the City’s website at

Public comment/questions will be accepted by email to Mark Meissner, Community Development Director and Planning Commission Secretary at

In order to allow the Planning Commission adequate time to review questions and comments, please submit written questions or comments by 3:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting.