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Water meter

Name: Kathryn Grant
Phone Number: 9255943530
Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Finance)
Ticket ID: 52377054

Can someone come check my water meter to make sure it's not broken? Sept 2020 my usage was 2 units, Sept 2021 it shows 38 units! If anything, our usage been less this year.

Ticket History

Updated By:
Assigned To: (Finance)

Joel confirmed that the water meter is working fine. There is no leak on the residents side, nor on the city's side.

Spoke with resident. 

Confirmed with Finance prior to closing out ticket.

09/08/2021 - 5:21pm
Pending Citizen Response
Updated By:
Assigned To: (Finance)

Called resident to obtain address. Joel will go out to inspect meter once we have residents response.

09/08/2021 - 3:25pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

09/08/2021 - 12:30pm


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