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Vehicles parked unusable on street

Name: Vincent Suarez
Phone Number: 6508622674
Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Police)
Ticket ID: 6238ce54


There are some vehicles parked on Americana and Pecan Hollow Way that are not functioning and being used to park on the street. Not sure if this is legal especially with tags that are expired. Also seen residents changing oil on the streets. Caused oil leak streaks on the streets. 

Ticket History

Updated By: Amoreno
Assigned To: (Police)

Hello Vincent,

Thank you for bringing this to the city's attention. We will send a CSO to look for the abandoned Vehicles parked on Americana and Pecan Hollow Way. In the future, call the non-emergency line to report the residents changing their oil on the street at the time it is happening. 

Thank you,

Angelina Moreno, CSO Admin

11/27/2023 - 3:18pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

11/26/2023 - 10:36am


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