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Trees along pony express way

Name: Allan Manalac
Phone Number: 5103667252
Status: Closed
Assigned To: TSebastian (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 53237c77

May I ask who's responsibility is it to maintain the trees along pony express way between new well Avenue and homestead Avenue? I have often cleaned up several broken branches from the street after the scheduled street sweepers come through. 

Ticket History

Updated By: zjones
Assigned To: TSebastian (Parks and Recreation)

Good morning Mr. Manalac,


The responsibility of trimming of trees within the parkway strips in front on the side of the homes in residential areas of Lathrop is the responsibility of the individual homeowner.  I would however like to thank you for collecting any of the limbs that have been broken by the street sweeper or by larger delivery vehicles.  I will remind our street sweeping crew if a branch is broken it should not be left in the roadway.


I have included my direct contact information below, should you have any City related questions in the future I should be able to assist, or at least direct you to the proper individuals.


Thank you for taking the time to submit your inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any additional questions.

10/04/2021 - 9:02am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

10/01/2021 - 6:29pm


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