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Tree trimming

Name: Nicolw Gonzales
Phone Number: 5103782390
Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 6010c09a

At the corner of Johnson Ferry and Loganberry there is a tree at the corner that is beyond needing trimming.  Cars cannot even see the sign at the corner and the tree also covers/hits cars when attemping to try and turn the corner. 

Ticket History

Updated By: DWheale
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)

Requestor has been emailed. A staff member has reviewed the location and tree in question on the parkway strip at the corner of Johnson Ferry and Loganberry and has concluded the tree is owned and maintained by the home owner.  As the tree is not a City owned tree, this request will be re-routed to Code Enforcement via the CARES app. The requestor's information will be entered into the request so staff will have all of the requestors information in the app request. There is also a duplicate request on the website from the same requestor, which will also be closed. 

06/08/2023 - 8:33am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

06/07/2023 - 7:25pm


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