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Tree trimming

Name: Michael Page
Phone Number: 650 304 5411
Status: Closed
Assigned To: BKirsch (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 5988ac65

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right dept but, some of the city trees in front of our homes in Mossdale landing are in need of some trimming. We have some cars/trucks that are pretty tall and it's starting to impact the parking in from of our homes. When the wind picks up they move and could cause damages to the paint. I drove around the neighborhood and it seams to be several in dire need. Thank you for time and this website it's a awesome tool to not have to sit on the phone and wait for service. 

Ticket History

Updated By: DWheale
Assigned To: BKirsch (Parks and Recreation)

Staff contacted requestor vie email and phone call. Through conversation it was determined the tree is located on homeowner property and therefore staff is unable to assist with the tree trimming request. Requestor stated they had already downloaded the Lathrop CARES app. It was recommended the requestor submit the request into the app which will then direct the request to the correct department which will be able to assist with the tree on homeowner property. 

05/19/2023 - 7:08am
Pending Citizen Response
Updated By: BKirsch
Assigned To: BKirsch (Parks and Recreation)

Resident has been emailed asking for location information so we can determine if the tree(s) in question are City-owned and maintained trees or if they are the responsibility of the homeowner.

05/17/2023 - 5:01pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

05/17/2023 - 9:52am


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