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Traffic light malfunction

Phone Number: 9257841693
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Btaylor (Public Works)
Ticket ID: 6101ef39

Seems to be signal light malfunction at Lathrop Road and 5th Street/Woodfield Dr. The signal will activate to change traffic to the Woodfield/5th street direction even though there in nothing there to activate signal. It also takes a long time to time out possibly indicating crosswalk button being stuck. Also the left hand turn lane onto Woofield/5th activates when nothing is there. Can you please have this checked out.

Ticket History

Updated By: slewis
Assigned To: Btaylor (Public Works)

Thank you for reporting this issue.  We are aware of the problem and fixed it today 8/18/23 @ 2pm.  Please let us know if there are any additional concerns.

08/18/2023 - 3:04pm
Updated By: slewis
Assigned To: Btaylor (Public Works)
08/18/2023 - 2:56pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

08/17/2023 - 8:41am


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