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Tidewater Park

Name: Mark Wetzell
Phone Number: 15105898315
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 63549fad

The playground equipment at Tidewater Park needs attention.  There are three issues:

1. The shade apparatus on the younger children's equipment is completely missing.

2. The shade apparatus on the older children's  equipment is in disrepair with one panel hanging by a thread.

3. A vertical rope on one of the stepping stone features is missing.

Ticket History

Updated By: Sfoster
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)

Thank you for using the Lathrop Cares App! We appreciate you taking the time to make this request. Unfortunately, this is not handled by the City of Lathrop. Please contact the River Islands Welcome Center at (209) 808-5168. 


Sydney Foster, Management Analyst

City of Lathrop

Parks, Recreation, and Fleet Services

04/15/2024 - 10:48am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

04/10/2024 - 4:10pm


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