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Sidewalk Tree Removal

Name: Irene Garcia
Phone Number: 3237126229
Status: Closed
Assigned To: DWheale (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 5924c3ac

I an a resident of 776 Open Range Ave and have an obstructing tree in my sidewalk. The tree has been dried and dead for a few days and would like a replacement. 

Ticket History

Updated By: DWheale
Assigned To: DWheale (Parks and Recreation)

Requestor was contacted via email and voice mail. Staff observed the location and established that the tree is located on homeowner property and therefore the responsibility of the homeowner. Requestor was asked to reach out is they had any further questions. 

04/03/2023 - 1:11pm
Updated By: DWheale
Assigned To: DWheale (Parks and Recreation)
04/03/2023 - 10:38am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

04/03/2023 - 9:39am


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