Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 65879c13
Hi, the new big river islands park is wonderful... we went Monday and had a great time. There is one issue ... there is a metal balance beam in the middle of an open area and not once but twice I walked directly into while chasing kids.... my ankle is swollen and bruised. Another mom said she did the same thing. I told my family and my brother said he had done it while he was there too.
Updated By:
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)
Good afternoon,
Thank you for taking the time to submit a ticket to notify us about the metal beam at the park. The parks in River Islands are not actually maintained by the City, but by River Islands Development.
I went ahead and sent them an email with your message and your contact information, so someone should be following up with you from the Welcome Center. If no one reaches back out to you from River Islands, please reach out to Public Works at 209-941-7430 and we will attempt to get in touch with them again.
Certain messages sent through this form may constitute a public record and be subject to disclosure under state law.
Communications sent via the Internet or through this Web page shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City or any of its officers, agents, or employees, where notice to the City is required by any law, rule, regulation or contract.
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River islands park - safety concern
Hi, the new big river islands park is wonderful... we went Monday and had a great time. There is one issue ... there is a metal balance beam in the middle of an open area and not once but twice I walked directly into while chasing kids.... my ankle is swollen and bruised. Another mom said she did the same thing. I told my family and my brother said he had done it while he was there too.
Ticket History
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Good afternoon,
Thank you for taking the time to submit a ticket to notify us about the metal beam at the park. The parks in River Islands are not actually maintained by the City, but by River Islands Development.
I went ahead and sent them an email with your message and your contact information, so someone should be following up with you from the Welcome Center. If no one reaches back out to you from River Islands, please reach out to Public Works at 209-941-7430 and we will attempt to get in touch with them again.
For now i will go ahead and close out the ticket.
Thank you,
Maria Lamas
Public Works
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Citizen request/question created.
Certain messages sent through this form may constitute a public record and be subject to disclosure under state law.
Communications sent via the Internet or through this Web page shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City or any of its officers, agents, or employees, where notice to the City is required by any law, rule, regulation or contract.