Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Police)
Ticket ID: 623397f5
I am requesting for the police to watch the neighborhood of Stonebridge and the surrounding areas for speeding and not stopping at all at the stop signs . The loop on long barn and also Pinecrest area are really bad. The cars do not even attempt to stop and they are going fast. This morning an adult and their child were hit by a car in this area on their way to school. Please patrol the area more frequently, we have lots of children and animals that live in this area .
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Not stopping at stop signs at all
I am requesting for the police to watch the neighborhood of Stonebridge and the surrounding areas for speeding and not stopping at all at the stop signs . The loop on long barn and also Pinecrest area are really bad. The cars do not even attempt to stop and they are going fast. This morning an adult and their child were hit by a car in this area on their way to school. Please patrol the area more frequently, we have lots of children and animals that live in this area .
Thank you
Stephanie Murphy
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Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for bringing this to the Departments attention. Your request will be sent to the Police Watch Commander for review.
Thank you,
Angelina Moreno, CSO ADMIN
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Citizen request/question created.
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