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Inoperable Vehicle Parking

Name: Pat Mason
Phone Number: 5105417596
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)
Ticket ID: 644828f7

Good evening, a pickup truck with an inoperable vehicle was left by a non-resident on the street. It was left Sunday night by an unknown individual. Is this legal?

Ticket History

Updated By: Amoreno
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)



Thank you for bringing this to the city’s attention. Any vehicle parked for more than 72 hours in in violation or LMC 10.24.060. If the truck weighs over 10,000 pounds it would be in violation of LMC 10.16.040. If you believe the truck was abandoned please call the Non-Emergency line at (209)249-1800 to report it. If you have any questions, please contact the Community Services Division at 209-647-6430.


Angelina Moreno

CSO Admin

Lathrop Police Department

940 River Islands Parkway

Lathrop, CA 95330


07/03/2024 - 4:36pm
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

06/28/2024 - 5:57pm


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