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Food truck in a driveway

Name: Alberto Hernandez
Phone Number: 6502199061
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)
Ticket ID: 6510014e

Is it ok to park a food truck in your driveway? On the sidewalk in a residential area?

Ticket History

Updated By: Amoreno
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)
09/30/2024 - 2:26pm
Updated By: Amoreno
Assigned To: Amoreno (Code Compliance)



Thank you for taking the time to submit your question. Per LMC 17.76.020 Off-Street parking facilities required: 


Special Limitations and Requirements in Residential Areas.


In any residential district, no recreation vehicle, including motor home, camping trailer, boat trailer, boat, pick-up camper, fifth wheel or dune buggy or utility trailer shall be stored or parked except within an enclosed side or rear yard or within a garage or carport; no semi-truck and trailer, semi-truck, trailer or other truck exceeding one ton of capacity shall be parked within any residential district.

Feel free to contact the Community Services Division at 209-647-6430 or Non-Emergency line at 209-249-1800 to report any nuisance. 


Thank you, 

Angelina Moreno

Community Services Division

Lathrop Police Department

940 River Islands Parkway

Lathrop, CA 95330


09/18/2024 - 10:16am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

09/13/2024 - 9:17am


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