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Busted Sprinkler Line

Name: Paolo Gochangco
Phone Number: 4087477968
Status: Closed
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 6333dfdd

Hello, I live in the River Islands community and there is a busted sprinkler line in the area behind my backyard that needs repair. It sprays water into my yard and floods water early in the morning.



Ticket History

Updated By: Sfoster
Assigned To: (Parks and Recreation)

Thank you for using the Lathrop Cares App! We appreciate you taking the time to make this request. Unfortunately, this is not handled by the City of Lathrop. Please contact the River Islands Welcome Center at (209) 808-5168. 

03/21/2024 - 11:10am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

03/21/2024 - 6:45am


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