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Additional pickleball courts

Phone Number: 2097400613
Status: Closed
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)
Ticket ID: 6537243c

Hello City of Lathrop. As a proud Lathrop resident I was pleasantly surprised to have discovered a pickleball court located at the Generation Center. Although it is an awesome place to play the area we live in can make it difficult to find time to play. Heat is obviously a major factor in the Central Valley, along with wind, occasional rain, and day light savings time greatly affects the use of the current pickleball courts. I honestly do no know how to make a formal request, but I do hope I at least am not the first or only person to bring this up,and if I am I hope to bring attention to the worlds current fastest growing sport. 

Currently all the factors above affect play. Heat makes it so we cannot play safely until after 5pm but with DST coming even less day light. A quick solution would be to add lights to the current pickleball courts. For wind, maybe the design with some wind blockade or maybe even some tarp around the courts. 


But honestly it would be great to add more courts in Lathrop. I believe it would be a great investment to bring the community even closer and promote a healthier more active lifestyle. People of all ages can participate in this unique sport so everyone can be able to utilize it. If we ever are fortunate to get some new additional courts, I would like to request if not anything else, some lights would be enough so that we are not limited to playing only at certain times. Only so much can be done for heat and wind but additional courts with lights would mean more play time as well as getting more people to be active. With the current courts, at any given time there is at least 4-5 parties waiting their turn with many other potential players immediately leaving upon arrival after seeing the courts are full. Thank you for reading this request. 

Ticket History

Updated By: Sfoster
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)

Ticket was processed and an email sent on 10/17/2024.

10/18/2024 - 8:27am
Updated By: Sfoster
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)

Dear Mr. Carmesis,

Thank you for using the Lathrop Cares App!  We appreciate you taking the time to make this request. Your suggestions and input are important to us here at the City of Lathrop and we will take the information you have provided us in to consideration.  

Thank you again, for your time to use the Lathrop Cares App and provide a request regarding the pickleball court at the Generation Center.



Sydney Foster, Management Analyst

(209) 941-7389

Parks, Recreation, and Fleet Services

10/17/2024 - 5:43pm
Updated By: Sfoster
Assigned To: Sfoster (Parks and Recreation)
10/10/2024 - 9:45am
Assigned To:

Citizen request/question created.

10/08/2024 - 5:38pm


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