Status: Closed
Assigned To: Mrobinson (Animal Center)
Ticket ID: 6025d611
The house next door to 17345 s walnut Burl lane, which I believe is 17309 s walnut Burl lane, has 4 small dogs in the backyard that are constantly whining. One looks pretty old and can hardly walk and the other 3 just sit by the sliding glass door and whine all hours of the night. It's 67 degrees out at at 9 pm and they are still out whining. I don't want any beef with the neighbors but this is just sad.
Updated By: Mrobinson
Assigned To: Mrobinson (Animal Center)
Good morning,
Thank you for reporting this. We will respond to the address to try and witness the dog noises. In the future, we would require that during the time of the incident please call our non-emergency phone number #209-249-1800. That way an officer can respond right away and witness it at that moment. When we receive this message the following day, most of the time the dogs are not making anymore noises. Any question please don't hesitate to call us at 209-647-6400.
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4 whining dogs
The house next door to 17345 s walnut Burl lane, which I believe is 17309 s walnut Burl lane, has 4 small dogs in the backyard that are constantly whining. One looks pretty old and can hardly walk and the other 3 just sit by the sliding glass door and whine all hours of the night. It's 67 degrees out at at 9 pm and they are still out whining. I don't want any beef with the neighbors but this is just sad.
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Good morning,
Thank you for reporting this. We will respond to the address to try and witness the dog noises. In the future, we would require that during the time of the incident please call our non-emergency phone number #209-249-1800. That way an officer can respond right away and witness it at that moment. When we receive this message the following day, most of the time the dogs are not making anymore noises. Any question please don't hesitate to call us at 209-647-6400.
Thank you,
M.Robinson #1272
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Communications sent via the Internet or through this Web page shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City or any of its officers, agents, or employees, where notice to the City is required by any law, rule, regulation or contract.